As per the latest SEBI circular on KRA Regulations, KYC Registration Agencies (KRA) are responsible for validating clients’ KYC details as per their records. If the details are not updated and validated or are “On hold”/”Rejected”, trading and demat shall be blocked for such accounts.
This process is required when your KYC details are incorrect in the KRA portal. Please furnish the following documents at our office for us to update your KRA details:
After we process your request, we will inform KRA to update their record. Once KRA has updated the details, you will receive an SMS to your registered mobile number to validate it and an email to your registered email ID to validate it. Please check your spam, trash, or deleted folder if you do not find the email.
Check which KRA your KYC is registered with. Click on KYC Inquiry, enter your PAN, input the captcha, and submit. Check your KRA name and visit the respective KRA website from the links below and follow the on-screen instructions to validate your email/mobile number:
After the contact details are validated with KRA, it will take 5-7 working days to update your records and activate your trading and demat account if deactivated.
Firstly, update your email ID and mobile number using our Modification forms available offline or on our website. The modification request will be processed within 48 working hours, after which we will inform KRA to update their records. After KRA updates the details, you will receive an email and SMS from your respective KRA to validate your email ID and mobile number. Your task is done once you validate your email ID/mobile number.